Inbal Lori is a graduate of Jerusalem art high school 1994 and Nisan Nativ acting studio (2000). Since then she has been writing and acting for television and theatre. She has won prices and scholarships for her acting and writing. She’s improvising since 2001 and performs in Tel Aviv with her group 3FALLING. In 2013 Inbal opened an improv school in Tel Aviv called “IMPRO TLV” with improviser Rod Ben Zeev. Today she is teaching and performing in many places around the world with her solo show “Fragments of Life” and her duo show with Tim Orr “CLICK”. In 2015 she created the duo show “Show me your life” with improviser Bjørn Harras. The show runs in Berlin.


Workshop with Inbal Lori on Sept. 28th, 2017

NINJA – FOCUS! NOW LET GO….!“    3.30 pm – 6.30 pm

Just like life – impro requires contradictory abilities: The ability to be focused, and the ability to let go. To zoom in and zoom out. To find the details and tell the story. To lead! And still stay  surprised. To hurry up, and slow down. These contradictory abilities are simply different ends of the same rope. The rope of focus, storytelling, cooperation, rhythm and more. I invite you to come and explore the balance, the place where you can choose to do what’s needed at the right time. Be a Ninja! You have inside of you the spectrum of each tool, now use the one most needed.

Workshop Fee: € 55
Duration: 3 hours
Location to be announced


  1. Please fill out the application form and don’t forget to sign it!
  2. eMail it to
  3. A spot will be reserved for you
  4. As soon as the fees are paid your spot is fixed and you’ll get an information mail with all the details concerning the workshop.


See you in a MOMENT!

TAG - Theater an der Gumpendorfer Straße