Keng-Sam Chane Chick Té is an improviser from Réunion Island (French Department). He has been teaching and performing improv for 15 years in many different places around the world such as France, the US, South Africa, and Australia. When Keng-Sam is not busy travelling, he is producing the FERIIR Festival (International Improv Festival of Réunion) which takes place once a year.


Workshops with Keng-Sam Chane Chick Té on Oct. 1st & Oct. 4th, 2017

„‚FANM‘ (‚women‘ in kreol )“  Oct. 1st  3.30 pm – 6.30 pm

I’m working on this new format that only involves female players. I’ve been collecting for the past 6 months interviews about the way woman act in improv answering the questions as: What do we usually see on stage? What is the stereotypical way of acting? What are the roles that we never see them playing? And through those interviews I’ve collected some similar responses. This what i’m going to use for the workshop and the format. We will work on „what is feminity in a scene?“ and how we can flip this vision completely to free the acting. This is not an act of feminism, but a real question on how we as men and women see each other as players. The show we’ll required both men and women, and we’ll be seen in a “ a la ronde “ style of improv,but putting the emphasis on women in society.

Workshop Fee: € 55
Duration: 3 hours


Wanna join an improv-workshop spontaneously! There are still free spots!

Just come to the Workshop Location 10 minutes before the Workshop starts and pay cash!

 You will love it!


GIBBERISH“  Oct. 4th  10 am – 3 pm

In this workshop, I take participants through some of the core principles of commedia del arte. On how through your body language, and gibberish you can actually tell a story. We’ll look at areas like: How can I perform without talking my native language? How a movement or a facial expression can transform your story? How do we elaborate a scene without talking, but only with your body expression?

Improvisation Skills Focus:


Body Expression



Workshop Fee: € 85
Duration: 5 hours

Wanna join an improv-workshop spontaneously! There are still free spots!

Just come to the Workshop Location 10 minutes before the Workshop starts and pay cash!

 You will love it!


See you in a MOMENT!

TAG - Theater an der Gumpendorfer Straße