Karin Krug is one of the most experienced improv performers in Germany. 1992 she founded with Andreas Wolf and 8 other wild and open artists the fastfood theater in Munich. Since than she explores the wide field of beeing in the moment – present and full on – and expresses, what it has to say to the world.

More information: www.karinkrug










Tuesday Oct. 12th, 2021, 3.30 pm–6.30 pm


Fun, creativity and being playful with others

Three hours of fun, excitement and openness while we’re experiencing what happens, when we are in flow with others. Games, plays and easy structures will remember us of one of the great core competences we all have: The art of improvisation. Expect the unexpected and experience the joy of play.

In english, denglish, austrian-english, german or austrian or jeglicher Form von deutschsprachigem Dialekt


Workshop Fee € 50
Duration 3 hours
Location TAG Rehearsal Room, Gumpendorfer Str. 67/4, 1060 Vienna

Apply Discounts



SCHNITTSTELLE – The International Showcase Ensemble
fully booked – waitlist


Late Night Show: Saturday Oct. 9th, 2021 at 7.30 pm


The moment is always there as a great open field of opportunities. So far so good.

To make the moment happen, to give it to our audience in form of a story, an image, a song, etc., we need to take care of a lot ingrediences that transport the moment.

We need to be open to the individual creativity and to the common flow of creativity, to the form and to the sound, to the movement and to the millions of „hows“ that give our expressions that „certain something“. What keeps this complex chaos  together and melt it into form? Trust.

In this workshop, we follow the common thread of trust. We go deeper into all the skills and the system of theatre to originate the moment. Trust me, it will be a lot of fun!

In the end there will be a show that inspires the audience.


Workshop Fee € 190
Duration 14 hours
Location Rehearsal Room TAG – Gumpendorfer Str. 67/4, 1060 Vienna


Training Sessions

Thursday Oct. 7th, 2021, 11.00 am–3.00 pm

Friday Oct. 8th, 2021, 10.00 am–3.00 pm

Saturday Oct. 9th, 2021, 10.00 am–3.00 pm





1. Fill out the application form. Don’t forget to sign it!
2. Send us the form (incl. a motivation letter and a short abstract of your improv experience!
3. Email it to moment@dasTAG.at
4. By signing the application form you are PRE-registered for the Workshop, you accept the organizer’s cancelation policy and are obligated to pay the fee within the term of payment!
If you apply for more than one Workshop you’ll get a discount!

Apply Discounts

See you in a MOMENT!

TAG - Theater an der Gumpendorfer Straße