Laura Doorneweerd-Perry is an Amsterdam-based teacher, performer, and director. She is a star of shows including all-woman action epic The Ferocious Four, co-founder of the multi-lingual Ohana project for European improvisers and founder and director at Flock Theatre.

With a background in theatre and dance, she has been teaching for 18 years and, for 11 years, ran her own drama school in the Netherlands. In 2019-2020 she and her spouse Gael Doorneweerd-Perry were on ‘The Honeymoon Tour’: a world tour of teaching, performing, and geeking over improv. After the pandemic cut her tour short, she launched a new business teaching improv teachers online and improv company Flock Theatre in Amsterdam.

Laura loves slow-motion running, bloody fights, and smoking. On stage, that is.

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fully booked – waitlist

Saturday Oct. 9th, 2021, 1.30 pm–6.30 pm


To play a longform show, improvisers need a wide range of skills. In this workshop we will work on the most challenging ones.

Building a firm platform, inspiring your partner throughout the show, taking the story further and taking the story slower. And many more basic improv skills are put under pressure once you get into a longform. In fun, interactive exercises we will work on taking longform serious by not taking it so serious. Your improv and your longform will benefit from it.


Workshop Fee     €  80
Duration     5 hours
Location     VHS Klubsaal, Königseggasse 10, 1060 Vienna

Apply Discounts



fully booked – waitlist

Sunday Oct. 10th, 2021, 3.30 pm–6.30 pm


Look at them: that beautiful human you share the stage with. It is your scene partner. But what are they thinking? Where are they going? What can you do with them?

In this workshop we will work on reading our scene partner (their face, their body, their tone of voice, their choice of words). All this will tell us how to inspire them in the best possible way. I will teach you some strong supporting skills, but also little quirky tricks to tickle their fancy.

Next to this we will also develop you! How can you become that person everybody wants to play with? Are you irresistible yet? Let’s make it happen!


Workshop Fee     € 50
Duration     3 hours
Location     TAG Rehearsal Room, Gumpendorfer Str. 67/4, 1060 Vienna

Apply Discounts



See you in a MOMENT!

TAG - Theater an der Gumpendorfer Straße